Wilson got its start as a meat packing company near the Chicago stockyards. They soon discovered that all those leftover animal hides could be used to make footballs, basketballs and baseball shoes. Hence, Wilson Sporting Goods was born. We helped create a web experience, A Century of Sport, to showcase Wilson's prominent place in sporting lore—its colorful history, game-changing inventions and close connection with many of the world's greatest players and coaches. A scrolling timeline stepped through Wilson history, decade by decade. I wrote captions for 100 different graphic icons that highlighted those important people and innovations. 

For social media, we created a contest called 100 Venues in 100 Days. It challenged users to identify a sports venue in a race against the clock, as it slowly revealed itself in a photo. Each day offered a new venue and another chance to win Wilson merchandise. I chose which stadiums/arenas/golf courses to feature and wrote a short blurb for each one. (Ask me anything about Nebraska Memorial Stadium.)

The final element of the campaign was the Wilson 100 Tour, which took a 1950s-era team bus and converted it into a Wilson rolling mini-museum. Each stop on its coast-to-coast journey was an opportunity to generate local buzz, hand out free schwag and, most importantly, create a trove of content for social media.